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Dark Days in Myanmar since Military Coup - Day 1 to Day 5 Updates

On Feb 1st 2021, I woke up with the following news "Myanmar Leader Aung Sun Su Kyi Detained" on many medias . I felt like everything surrounded me become dark and lost hopes. All Burmese people around the world woke up that day with shock and we could not believe that it is real. Aung San Su Kyi is Nobel Prize Winner , leader of National Ledge Democratic Party (NLD) and we consider as mother of Burmese Citizens. Military claims that they did coup because there was millions of votes fraud since NLD won a landslide for a second time in last November election.

U Myo Nyunt, National League for Democracy Spokesman said to the public "I want to tell our people not to respond rashly and I want them to act according to the Law". That's why you did not see the people were protesting on street with rashly movement based on their anger. Some foreign media is taken wrongly those situations that the people in Myanmar did not response about the coup.

A lot members of NLD members including Aung San Su Kyi detained. The following is the one of NLD party members, parliamentarian video posted on Facebook. You will see how military people came and forced them to come along with them. According to this video, there were around 5 military's cars with full of soldiers with military uniform and guns.

The following photo is the last photo of Daw Aung San Su Kyi that was taken before she was taken from her resident. We do not really know where she is and how she is doing until now. When writer saw the following photo first time, I could not keep my tears.

NLD members list detained

The followings are the list of major NLD members who detained by Military and many other NLD party members who is not in list also detained too. ( We use Daw for woman and U for Man before Name in Myanmar)

1. Daw Aung San Su Kyi (State Counsellor of Myanmar) 2.U Win Myint ( President of Myanmar) 3. U Phyo Min Thein (Chief Minister of Yangon Region) 4. U Zaw Myint Maung (Chief Minister of Mandalay Region) 5. U Aung Moe Nyo (Chief Minister of Magway Region) 6. Daw Nan Khin Htwe ( Chief Minister of Kayin State) 7. U Nyi Pu ( Chief minister of Rakhine State) 8. U Aye Zan (Chief minister for Mon State ) 9. U Myo Thein Gyi ( Minister for Education) 10. U Maw Maw( Kayah State of Minister of Planning and Finance) 11. U Soe Nyunt Lwin (Shan State of Minister of Planning and Economy) 12. U Nyan Win (Aung San Suu Kyi's Personal Attorney) 13. U Tin Myo Win ( Personal Physician of Burmese politician Aung San Suu Kyi) 14. U Han Tha Myint (NLD's Central Executive Committee) 15. U Nyunt Wai (NLD Chairman of Shwe Daung Township, Yangon) 16. Daw Khin Saw Wait (Member of Parliament) 17. U Myo Aung (Member of Parliament) 18. U Thaung Htay (Kayah Region) 19. U Sai Yu (Kayah Region) 20.U Min Htin Ko Ko Gyi (Flim Maker) 21. U Min Thawe Thit (Student Leader) 22. U Ko Ko Gyi ( leading democracy activist) 23. U Min Ko Naing (leading democracy activist) 24.U Mya Aye (leading democracy activist) 25.Ko Maung Thar Cho (Writer) 26. Daw Than Myint Aung (Writer) 27.U Saw Phoe Khwar (Musician Artist) 28. U Htein Lin Oo (Writer) 29. U Chit Oo Nyo (Writer) 30. U Ko Maung Maung Aye ( Actor & leading democracy activist) 31. Ei Pan Se Lo (Blogger ?)

We heard some members were released but most still detained. Today is Day 5 already when I am writing this article.

Tensions before Coup

Tension on the Myanmar Street has increased before the week of coup because some Military support people were gathering and protesting. They made violences to the other normal citizens who were watching to their protesting and burnt the NLD flags, etc. Most Burmese people believes that they wanted to stimulate the people anger and wanted to makes scenes to become enough excuse for coup. The following video is one of the footages from Jan 31, 2021.

In last week Tuesday Jan 26,2021, one conference was done by Military. In that conference, U Zaw Min Htun (Military Spokesman) said that "we are not saying we will coup but we cannot grantee that we won't coup either" for the question of one of journalist "Is there any possibility Military can make coup?".

The tension between Military and Citizens who supported NLD party became higher and higher since this conference. There are a lot of clues that Military were planning this coup from long long time. Protesting event with the people who support Military and conferences were parts of plan in order to stimulate the people anger.

The Military's attempted was not successful to stimulate the people anger but they coup anyway on Feb 1st, 2021 morning without any solid reason.

All TV channels, radios channels, phone/Internet connection were cut off

All TV channels, radios channels, phone/internet connection were cut off

except Military support state television channel MWD has broadcasted on Feb 1st Morning that Military has seized the power and declared one year state of emergency by temporary president assigned by Military.

I was surprised that wifi internet connection was still ok on first day but all citizens thought that they will cut internet eventually. As expected, wifi becomes more and more weaker and unstable. My all remote employees from Myanmar cannot work anymore too because of unstable of wifi.

There are conspiracy theory that they will shut down the facebook. People were preparing alternative such as youtube channel or twitter since Day 2. I can say that twitter movement is quite bit. Most Burmese do not use twitter. Since this movement, myanmar topic become trends because people started to create one and follow each other. Although My twitter account is not currently that much active, I will be active on there from now. If you have twitter account, you can follow me.

Situation on Street

No major violence has been reported. Soldiers blocked roads in the capital, Nay Pyi Taw, and the main city, Yangon.

Banks said they had been forced to close.

The following picture is the photo of people are queueing in front of ATM. It is happening in Yangon and other major cities.

Panic buying for groceries was happening. Gold prices and dollar prices are spiking since coup.

Coup will impact Myanmar Economic

Businesses and analysts predict that the coup in Myanmar is likely to damage the country's economy. Companies say the coup has already put billions worth of foreign investment at risk.

The US has already said it is considering imposing additional sanctions on Myanmar, which is one of the region's poorest countries.However, the impact of US sanctions could be limited because most of the country's investment comes from Asia.

According to the World Bank, Singapore was the largest foreign investor in Myanmar last year, accounting for 34% of overall approved investment. Hong Kong was the second largest investor with 26%.Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) commitments into Myanmar were worth $5.5bn (£4bn) in the 2020 fiscal year.

The coup has already had an effect for one listed company. Myanmar-focused Yoma Strategic Holdings issued a trading halt in Singapore, where the company is listed.

Other Country Responses

United Nations make the statement about coup as follow. Here is the original link.

United States make a statement about coup as follow. Here is the original link.

Japan made statement about coup as follow. Here is the original link.

Those are comments from other countries leaders. West condemns Myanmar coup but China and Thailand shrugs. China claimed later that they are not supporting coup.

The United Nations led condemnation of Myanmar's military on Monday after it seized power, calling for the release of elected leaders, including Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said the developments were a "serious blow to democratic reforms" and urged all leaders to refrain from violence and respect human rights, a UN spokesman said.

The United States, Australia and Singapore expressed dismay at the military's declaration of a state of emergency and the detentions, which the army said it had carried out in response to "election fraud".

"We call on Burmese military leaders to release all government officials and civil society leaders and respect the will of the people of Burma as expressed in democratic elections on Nov 8," US. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement.

The White House said US President Joe Biden had been briefed on the detentions.

"The United States opposes any attempt to alter the outcome of recent elections or impede Myanmar's democratic transition, and will take action against those responsible if these steps are not reversed," White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.

Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne called on the military "to respect the rule of law, to resolve disputes through lawful mechanisms and to release immediately all civilian leaders and others" who had been detained.

Singapore's Foreign Ministry urged all parties to exercise restraint and work towards a positive and peaceful outcome.

China said on Monday it had “noted” the military coup in Myanmar and hoped that all sides could properly manage their differences under the constitution and uphold stability.

Thailand Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwon said the coup in Myanmar was its “internal affair”, a statement echoed by Cambodian premier Hun Sen and Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte.

Movement on Social Media

According to statistics of Jan 2020, around 22.3 million users are using Facebook. This number is around 40.5% of overall Myanmar Population. People are so angry and they cannot protest because our democratic leader does not want us to do any act that can lead chaos in outside and fall into traps of Military. So all people's anger blowed up on Facebook.

Since most of the events and campaigns are happening on social media, I like to summary daily basics from Day 1 to Day 5.

Feb 1st, 2021 - Day 1

Most of Myanmar citizens changed their Facebook profile picture to black as follow left picture when they heard to the news and as signature of sad and sorrow. In the evening, they started to promote to change to red color like the following right picture because red reparents the strong and supporting the NLD party.

While everybody attention was on Media especially Facebook, the following announcement was coming out from NLD chair official Page since the phone lines are restoring. Most people believed that those announcements are fake and handwritten of U Win Htein, Central Executive Committee of NLD in blue color was also so suspicious. Since they

detained all major NLD party members, party lobbies and writers, all citizens believed that they also controlled all NLD related official social Media Pages too and getting warned not to believe easily any announcements from any social Media official pages.

The following aerobic class during coup goes viral on internet too.

I cannot post her video link directly so I put other media channel link in here. Please check out her original video in this link "Khine Hnin Wai". She caught coup activities in background while she was taking her aerobic video.

Feb 2nd, 2021 - Day 2 to Feb 5th, 2021 - Day 5

Most social media started to changed back to their profile picture together with campaign attached graphic because facebook has dropped some profile with the reason pretending to be someone since all profile pictures became the same red color. One of the popular graphic using for facebook profile pictures is follow


There was three major campaigns going on since Feb 2nd- Day 2. Those campaigns are

Civil Disobedience Protest Campaign, Protest Banging Pots and Pans Protest Campaign and Boycott Campaign.

1.Civil Disobedience Protest Campaign

It has been initiated on Day 2. This campaign started with medical workers and it started to spread to teachers, students, public worker and lawyer too. Even some military members started to participated but not very much. I think this Campaign is quite successful. A lot Individual posted on social medial by mentioning they support. People are started to collecting donation money to support for the doctors, teachers who will participate this campaign and to provide the stability while they are not having income during this campaign.

Military members responded this situation that they said they will replace with doctors from Military. As you know, they cannot replace to all positions to run the country. This campaign needs to go more deeper until the very low level worker.

2.Protest Banging Pots and Pans Protest Campaign

This campaign was also initiated on Feb 2nd and it still on going until Day 5. It is the campaign that everybody starts to bang the pots and pans or honking car horns to make noise together at 8 PM.

I can say it is also quite successful too. On Day 3rd, we started to hear that it will be charged 5,000 kyats if someone is participating in this Campaign. On Day 4th, Military stared to declare that it can go to jail 8 days if someone got caught for participating this campaign. But it could not stop people and it still on going until Day 5th.

The following video is the footage from CNA news media.

3.Boycotts Campaign

Since Day 2, people started to boycott the Military linked products from phone services, hospital, supermarket to beer. Myanmar Military controls vast majority of business in Myanmar.

Here is the list that is listed by Zar Chi Lwin and she listed very well by categorizing with color.

Purple Color - Very Well Known and very frequent Needs goods

Red Color - Very Well Know Brand but not that frequent needs goods

Yellow Color - Less Frequent Needs Goods

Green Color - Less Usage Goods

Here is the lists of total Total Brand : 149. You can check it out in this link for original boycott list data.

I also see boycott moments not only to the Military Link Products and services but also to the products and services which company founders are supporting to the Military. It also includes the actors and social influencer.

We also urged the international association to block the visa to the Military children who are attending in their countries. leading democracy activists and people are collecting the data of whose Military children's are attending in which countries.

International influencers Response

On first day, there were no internationally recognized influencers commenting about Myanmar Issues. After Feb 2nd, 2021 Day 2, International influencers started to response like Rihanna (left), Harry styles sister (middle) and Lane Terzieff (right), etc.

Myanmar Local influencers Response

Until Jan 1st, 2021 5PM, most of the famous people and social influencers were not doing any comment. People were so much disappointed for not having any comment about the situation in Myanmar. But some started to make movements after 5PM. Some fans are also punishing to the influencers who does not participate on social media campaign movement or who are relating to Military by making unfollowing their pages.

The following local actors Paing Takon (left), Daung (Middle) and Lin Lin (right) are quite popular during the movement and actively support for the social media campaign.

Songs trend about Myanmar Military Coup

People shared a lot those following songs across the social media platform.

First one is Kabar Ma Kyae Bu. Most of people and organization protest by singing that song. The writer itself cannot bare to listen this song until the end because I could not stop my tear with a lot of mixture of emotion anger, sad and lost hope for future generation.

Second one is Kyaut Khet by Kyar Pauk. This song was originally written for promoting the NLD party. It is also quite match with current situation. The write itself also like it a lot. I feel energy every-time listened this song.

The final song is called "Revolution" created by Generation Z mm. This song is quite very new and I have ever heard today for the first time. It is well composed and it gives energy and strong. Thanks Generation Z mm.

My Final Thoughts

Military will not give up the power that they has just seized. It will be long fight. Even though international are giving pressure to them, it majorly depends on ourself, Myanmar citizens for our freedom. It is such a beautiful things that people are collectively and unitedly participating and making the effect movements with protest campaigns. I believe we will win one day if we are consistent and planning to fight for long term.

My same age and older people understands really well how bitter the taste is living under the Military Government. Some might not be participate in this overall movements on social media but I believe that all will have same pain like me. It might not mean that they do not love this country. Our individual way of expressions, contributions and values are just different. I promises that I would do anytime possible to my country from what I believe which is "Being international entrepreneur and possible to bring job opportunities from foreign countries to Myanmar"

Please note : I took all resources and notes from other media and fb social media that were spreading in Burmese language and try to summarize on this blog collectively. I like to give credit to all notes in this blog except "My Final Thoughts".

Civil Obidient Movement တွင်ကိုယ်ကျိုးမငဲ့ပဲ တိုင်းပြည်အတွက်ရပ်တည်ပါဝင်ပေးသောနိုင်ငံဝန်ထမ်းကောင်းများကိုအထူးကျေးဇူးတင်ပါသည်။အာဏာရှင်တွေမုချကျရှုံးစေရမည်။


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